Horus Heresy database v.0.1

Type - HQ

LEGION DAMOCLES COMMAND RHINO .................. 150 Points


Name M BS Front Side Rear HP Transport Capacity
Legion Damocles Command Rhino 14 4 11 11 11 3 6


Special Rules:

Unit Composition:

Unit Type:

  • Pintle Mounted twin-linked bolter
  • Geo-locator beacon
  • Command vox relay
  • Smoke launchers
  • Legiones Astartes (X)
  • Support Squad
  • 1 Legion Damocles Command Rhino
  • Vehicle (Transport)

Name Range Str AP Type

Name Ability
COMMAND VOX RELAY While any model with the Character Sub-type is Embarked upon a model with this special rule, friendly units with the same version of the Legiones Astartes special rule that are within 18" or that include a model with a nuncio-vox may use the Embarked model’s Leadership Characteristic for Morale checks and Pinning tests. If more than one model with the Character Sub-type is Embarked upon a model with this special rule then the controlling player chooses which model’s Leadership Characteristic is used.
SMOKE LAUNCHERS The controlling player may choose to trigger smoke launchers once a model with them has completed its movement in the Movement phase, and may only choose to trigger them if the model has moved no faster than Combat Speed that turn. Once triggered, the model with smoke launchers counts as being more than 25% obscured, regardless of terrain, until the start of the controlling player’s next turn and gains a 6+ Cover Save. A model whose smoke launchers have been triggered may not make any Shooting Attacks, except as part of a Reaction, in the same turn. Smoke launchers may only be used once per battle, and once triggered may not be further used – in addition, they do not count as a weapon and may not be targeted by Weapon Destroyed results on the Vehicle Damage table.

Name Special Rule
Legiones Astartes X Any unit with this special rule will have a number of additional special rules and abilities specific to their ‘named’ Legion, all of which will be defined in other Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness publications. A Space Marine unit may only have one such ‘named’ rule, e.g., Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus). Space Marine units from a different Legion may only be included in an army using an Allied Detachment and in conjunction with the Allies in the Age of Darkness chart

The Legion Damocles Command Rhino has one Access Point on each side andoneat the rear.

Start Wargear:


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