LEGION TECHMARINE COVENANT .................. 55 Points
Name | M | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv |
Legion Techmarine | 7 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 2+ |
Wargear: |
Special Rules: |
Unit Composition: |
Unit Type: |
Name | Range | Str | AP | Type |
Bolt pistol |
12" |
4 |
5 |
Pistol 1
Power axe |
-" |
1 |
2 |
Name | Ability |
Frag grenades | A unit that includes at least one model with frag grenades makes attacks at its normal Initiative Step during an Assault after it has successfully Charged through Difficult Terrain or Dangerous Terrain, but still suffers any penalties to Charge rolls imposed by DifficultTerrain or Dangerous Terrain when resolving a Charge through DifficultTerrain or Dangerous Terrain. |
Krak grenades | The controlling player may choose to have a model with krak grenades that is Engaged or otherwise in base contact during the Assault phase with a Building or Fortification, or a model with the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type, inflict one automatic Str 6, AP 3 Hit on the target in Initiative Step 1 instead of attacking normally. Any model in a unit that is chosen to inflict Hits using krak grenades may not otherwise attack or make use of any other special rule or item of Wargear that inflicts Hits or Wounds on a model in the same Assault phase (but may participate in Sweeping Advances as normal). |
Artificer armour | Artificer armour confers a 2+ Armour Save |
Name | Special Rule |
Legiones Astartes X | Any unit with this special rule will have a number of additional special rules and abilities specific to their ‘named’ Legion, all of which will be defined in other Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness publications. A Space Marine unit may only have one such ‘named’ rule, e.g., Legiones Astartes (Sons of Horus). Space Marine units from a different Legion may only be included in an army using an Allied Detachment and in conjunction with the Allies in the Age of Darkness chart |
Techmarine Covenant | A Techmarine Covenant is selected as any other unit, usingup a single Force Organisation slot and bought inthe same manner. However, before the firstturn begins andany models are deployed to the battlefield, all models inaTechmarine Covenant must be assigned to another unit from the same Detachment of the army they were selectedas part of. Legion Techmarines that have not selectedaLegion Spatha combat bike or Legion Scimitar jetbike mayonly be assigned to units composed entirely of models withthe Infantry Unit Type and the same Legiones Astartes (X) special rule as the Legion Techmarine, and may not join units with Terminator armour of any kind. LegionTechmarines that have selected a Legion Spatha combat bike may only be assigned to units composed entirely of models with Legion Spatha combat bikes and the sameLegiones Astartes (X) special rule as the Legion Techmarine, and any Legion Techmarines that have selected a LegionScimitar jetbike may only be assigned to units composedentirely of models with Legion Scimitar jetbikes andthesame Legiones Astartes (X) special rule as the LegionTechmarine. No Legion Techmarine may be assignedto any unit that includes one or more models withtheIndependent Character special rule or Unique Sub-type(but such models may join a unit that includes a LegionTechmarine as normal during either deployment or anyfollowing turn). No more than one Legion Techmarinemaybe assigned to any given unit. Once assigned to a unit, the Legion Techmarine is considered part of that unit and may not leave it under any circumstances – if that unit is removed as a casualtythen the Legion Techmarine is removed as well. Inbattlesusing Victory points, no Victory points are ever scoredfor removing a Legion Techmarine as a casualty. Whenassigned to a unit, a Legion Techmarine gains all of thespecial rules (with the exception of those that specificallyforbid it, such as the Bitter Duty special rule) andUnit Sub-types listed for the unit to which it is attached, but does not gain access to any additional Wargear options available to the unit to which it is assigned. |
Relentless | Relentless models can shoot with Heavy or Ordnance weapons, counting as Stationary, even if they moved in the previous Movement phase. They are also allowed to Charge in the same turn they fire Heavy, Ordnance, or Rapid Fire weapons. |
Start Wargear:
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